Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Reading Journal ... Wednesday, 4/30/08

Takeover by Lisa Black, page 60 (no cover image available)

This is a book I received through Early Reviewers at Librarything. It's a debut suspense novel due out in August of this year. So far, so good. She steps right into story and doesn't waste any time before the action starts. If it continues at this pace I'd be willing to read future work by the new author.

I joined a yahoo book group that reads the 1st book in a different cozy mystery series every month. As there are so many cozies out there choose from this takes all the decision making out of my hands and I get an excuse to get a new book every month. I know I wasn't going to buy any more books because I want a Kindle but I'm going through withdrawal. The group link is: Cozyfirstmysteries.

I've spent all day catching up on both blogs. I didn't realize how far I was behind until I started this morning. Now that To Be Continued... is updated it should just be maintenance and not consume as much time. There were things I wanted to do but couldn't with the hours I've been working. It's not only cut into my blog time but definitely cut down on my reading. It's been interesting to start a blog dedicated to a perpetual series reading challenge. It's a bit like re-inventing the wheel as so many other readers have their own series links from their regular blogs but over time I think it will take on a life of it's own. If it doesn't then it will become my own series blog and that's fine too. Actually that's kind of what it has turned out to be right now.

My goal was to read, read, read on these days off I finally have but life gets in the way again. Now it's TV so the DVR doesn't blow up from overload. I guess the books will always be there but the shows won't if the DVR starts deleting to make room for new ones. Having 15+ season passes for a dedicated book reader is way too many.


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